BP oil spill update - Whats happening to the Marine life
>> Monday, 21 June 2010
Thank you for stopping by...While you are here...do write in your comments ...your time and opinion mean a lot to me...I am here to pen down my thoughts and to open up to ideas, all in favour of our planet
I am not among those who use a dishwasher. I am used to hand washing my dishes, not in running water but in water held in two large containers after the soaping/scrubbing session(psst...frankly, I do not even know the technique and the optimal dish washer loading patterns...lol). I wrote about my dish washer dilemma >here
I can very well understand if you are among the dishwasher users. I found this article taking about how pre rinsing doesn't help. Do read through and may be it will save time, energy and resources.
Seems like the blogosphere is buzzing with freebies and giveaways. Teresa of Green Bag Lady has announced a giveaway. Please visit her blog for details :) --HERE
During my routine research for my blogs, I came across this wonderful website which has coined a new word and has regular updates on earth related topics. I recommend a read. >>HERE is the link to the site - thisisecocide.com
The site talks about Ecocide. which is translated as :
Though there is nothing funny about the issue. I wanted to share this video which aptly represents the situation and the irrational approach being applied to solve the problem.
Ever since the Oil spill on the 21st of April 2010. I have been researching and drafting a post on the Mexican Gulf spill /slick. The damage is so extensive that my research is not winding up. I have decided to do a series of posts on the topic.
One look at the amount of damage raise questions and the need for excessive dependence on crude oil and natural gas and the resultant exploration projects across the globe.
My grandfather used to quote from the Ancient Hindu texts. He always mentioned how we need to respect Mother Earth for supporting life, and also appreciate her for being the patient Mother that she is.
Bhoodevi or Bhoomadevi, as Mother Earth is called (Sanskrith/hindi/tamil/telugu etc), is said to have tremendous amount of tolerance and patience.(How else would she bear the weight of all that is loaded on her, and put up with really horrible children (humans) who care nothing about her well being, and still do what she does...!!). Just because someone is tolerating, does not mean that we take them for granted? I am sure she is fed up of her Human population. We all know that she is responding in her own way. (I do not want to reiterate issues, we all are very aware of them.)
It is time for some concrete action and stop hiding behind - "What Can I Do?" or worse - "My irresponsibility doesn't make a difference"
Environmental issues are as pertinent as the Drug mafia, child abuse or any other social and economic problem we humans face. Infact they are nothing when compared to problems the entire life system on the planet is facing. We need to be ashamed that we are endangering other innocent creatures in the name of better life for ourselves. (if you put one and one together, you would understand that every social and economic issue is directly or indirectly related to one or more eco-related issues). We cannot go back to cave living, but can definitely start with something small in our lives. The sense of accomplishment after one small change, is a great motivater in letting us take the effort a step further. All it takes is trying to use common sense and a little sacrifice (nothing major to begin with)
It is The World Environment day on the June 5th. For many, it is just another "DAY" when the green cult goes about asking regular folk to do their bit. hmm...Or is it more than just that? How could you be responsible for a day and feel ok with harassing the planet the rest of the year? A few regular Joes and Janes take it a step further...they dont care ...no day in particular matters.
I am a part of Greenpeace (not surprising!!) and have been working on a campaign to save the whales from commercial whalers. Yes, a practise which was banned 20 years ago has been termed legal by Mr President. The process of killing whales for commercial purposes is going to throw the marine eco system off balance.
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