Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Green Garmento ~ Dry Cleaning gone Green (partly atleast!!) ~ Product Review

If you are into dry cleaning your clothes, then this post is definitely for you. Jennifer from the DMD Lab contacted me to write about - Green Garmento.

Whats Green Garmento!??

Every time you bring your dry cleaned clothes walk away with your clothes wrapped in single use plastic bags. If you know me, you would know what I am thinking right now!! lol...


Each year in the US alone, 1.4 billion pieces of clothing are professionally cleaned and 300+ million pounds of single-use plastic drycleaning bags fill our landfills and waterways.

OK, now dont get into the "I recycle" argument with too know that recycling every kind of plastic is not possible and also, the amount of time, energy and resources wasted due to the recycling effort is not worth the effort

An Alternative may be! How about Green Garmento...
The Green Garmento, a product developed by Rick Siegel,  is a 4-in-1 reusable garment bag - just like a reusable grocery tote for your clothes - that helps streamline and “green” your drycleaning/laundry routine.

Here’s how it works
At home your Green Garmento serves as a hanging or standard hamper

On your trip to the dry cleaner it functions as a duffel bag

And, most importantly, at pick-up, your dry cleaned clothes will be hanging and protected inside for the trip home – without a single-use plastic bag/twist ties to wrestle with!

It's a simple and simplifying lifestyle change that's practical, eco-friendly, stylish, and affordable ($9.99 retail).... not to mention helping to cut down on the 300 million pounds of plastic drycleaning bags that end up in our landfills each year!

More about the bag

  • Made from breathable, water-resistant material. 

  • Wide gussets and a side zipper help to keep everything safely in place and allow you easy access.

  • Available in multiple sizes from 40 to 72 inches, and a variety of colors, there’s a Green Garmento to suit every need and lifestyle.

  • Like a reusable grocery tote for your clothes that is eco-friendly, stylish, practical, and affordable ($9.99 retail).

  • Apart from the fact that the bag can reduce use of plastic bags, I am sure clothes must be safer and well managed in this bag (while being brought home)

    How about a funny video :)

    My Take...
    I do not dry clean so I did not see the need to get this bag though. However, I have a small problem with the material used - Polypropylene. I personally would like a Sturdy Canvas or jute bag!! (Rick,  I hope you are listening). Sorry, thats the die hard Green Crusader speaking :)

    Disclaimer: Content source:
    Opinion is all mine....This is not a paid review.


    1. A thoughtful initiative. I love products that have multiple uses... its a good way to reduce production of plastic products. I am sure replacing polypropelene with jute or canvas would make this the perfect green product!
