Even the greenest of crusaders need inputs from fellow green beings from time to time. I keep researching for innovations happening in every sphere and industry to keep track of who is doing what, better than I am. As I always mention, living green is a journey. It is for us to be open to ideas so that we could improve on what we are already. Researching helps me to make changes for the better. My basic idea is also to read about which corporate is doing what in terms of making a difference to the environment. (they are the major force in how the world takes to green living. (Let us not buy their claim that they (corporates) are driven by customer demands, is it not logical that if they dint manufacture a non green product in the first place, things would happens for the better!...so first kick all the so called non green product inventors and innovators and the companies who mass produce them, invest in marketing the product, make money and forget about all the ruckus they create for the planet)
During one such researches is when I found this website - Green Irene. They are basically a product marketing company, with consultants in almost every possible state in the USA. What grabbed my attention is that apart from selling "green" products, this company also provide you with inputs to live greener life while making small changes in ur home and office. I thought it would be great to mention it in my blog. I am not however convinced about the product packaging which is not green yet. I would recommend that you read through their blog and see if you can find anything that you would like to work on (in your lifestyle).
Find a Green Irene- Eco consultant near you ..their blog
The views expressed here are my own and am not promoting any company or product offered by them. I am not a part of Green Irene or any associates there off...this was one of my finds during my research for "green jobs" (I m jobless :-) )...until next time..take care
Sudha, This is Rosamaria, co-founder and the Original Green Irene. Thank you for mentioning Green Irene on your blog. I agree that people need to do their own research to see if we are the right fit for them. We are definitely not your typical direct sales company given that our eco-consultants provide professional consulting services, and don't just sell products or try to get others to sell products. Our eco-consultants can be a force for positive green change in their community and in some cases our eco-consultants use the training and work they do as eco-consultants with Green Irene as a springboard to full time work in the sustainability arena. To get more info, visit www.BeAGreenIrene.com or contact me at 888-212-GREEN x. 2 or by email at ecoconsultant@greenirene.com. Sustainably yours, Rosamaria
ReplyDeleteHi Rosamaria
ReplyDeletei am surprised by the quick response to my post..:)..(not sure how you found that I wrote about the company!)...I did like the idea of consulting as a way to induce green lifestyle among general population.
good luck with your company :)