Monday, 30 November 2009

Bean Bags Seating

I am guilty of making a non-green purchase for our house. Ever since I realized my folly, I have been looking for ways and means to rectify my mistake! I bought three large bean bags five years ago. I had not realized its impact on the environment back then. Everyday is a new day to learn, experience, imbibe, make a change and take another step towards making environmentally friendly decisions.

"Cost"  of a Bean bag...
Vinyl/faux leather/leather used in making the bag, the bean itself are both very environment - unfriendly. Consistent use leads to repetitive buying of "beans" which only adds to the environmental impact of these bean bag chairs.

Beans are nothing but thermocol bits, also called expandable polystyrene (EPS) - a petro product. These tiny beans are not bio-degradable just like our other petroleum products and by-products (styrofoam, paraffin, furnitue foam etc).

Image source:

Recycling - Is non existent
Even the recycling facilities here in the US are not equipped to recycle this "category 6" -styrofoam/polystyrene or number 6 recyclables. They end up in the garbage dumps and landfills; there by adding to poisonous gas emissions, seepage of toxins into the soil and water in the surrounding areas.

Why worry?
We cannot escape the consequences. Increased cases of cancers is just one of the immediate impacts. I am worried for our future generations when most of them would have chronic health and fertility issues as a norm.

Better late than never! I realised the bean issue three years ago. As the first thing, I decided not to buy any more beans to fill these bags and also request friends and family not to invest in one. I am on the lookout for viable bio-friendly solutions to use this piece of furniture and extend its life. I am not justifying my mistake, as this journey towards going green has been a constant process and I learn new things with each passing day. I admit I am a work in process and I am scouting for ways and means to implement these green ideas in my life. I am glad I have this green bug in me.


  1. If you were in India, I would suggest using coir fibers & cotton to fill the bean bag. You know the kind of coir were used in older rexin sofas in India... Coir fibers and cotton would together give the bean bag a strong yet cushy filling.

  2. thanks for the input :). It did cross our mind though. We did think about the coconut coir (similar to the mattress and yes the sofa) but it hasn't worked out as we thought. Bean bags are not sturdy as such so we need to try packed coir

  3. Aah.. I see the problem.. so bean bags need more sturdy material to make it strong, atleast at the bottom part.

  4. yes dear...Thank u for giving this a serious thought...let me know if you can come up with something for me :)
